April Showers Bring Spring Cleaning
April 2018 | By Pam Stasney and Kelsie Lally
April typically signals the promise of spring: budding trees, rain showers, warm sunshine and flowering blooms. Yet, as we write this post, gazing out our windows we see a flurry of snowfall. Not a usual site for the first months of spring. Shouldn’t we be gardening and spring-cleaning? Instead, we’re tempted to hibernate all over again. Snow flurries and chilly winter air makes us want to re-visit our thoughts on creating hygge, the Danish ritual of enjoying life’s simple pleasures, getting cozy and connecting with loved ones.
If you’re feeling a bit of spring fever (or should we say “winter blues”?), click over to our Pinterest boards for an inspiring escape. Meanwhile, even if the weather forecast has you confused, we are determined to bring you spring refreshment. To get started, we decided to read (or in some cases, re-read) Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up…the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing. To sum it up, the KonMari Method is about changing your mindset for creating order, not following a mere set of rules on organizing. Her philosophy is based on deciding what to keep rather than on what to discard. We love her thought-provoking questions, “Does it spark joy?” and “Is it useful?” Try taking the 7-Day KonMari-Inspired Challenge for Beginners.
Here are a few areas we suggest, to get you started:
Eliminate & Concentrate.
The coming of spring is a perfect time to eliminate excess. Try doing what our office manager Annie did recently, she filled a-bag-a-day for forty days, contributing to a worthy cause. When you take the time to throw away unnecessary paper, give away unused items and donate outgrown clothing, you make room to breathe easier. Less clutter means more time to concentrate on the important matters of life. And more time for fun with family and friends. Not to mention, helping meet the needs of others.

Refresh & Recharge.
From your front door to your foyer, small changes can make a big difference. Add a bright welcome mat or give your front door some love with a fresh coat of paint. Clear space for something pretty, like fresh flowers in your foyer and make sure to have a place for necessities like keys, dog leashes and mail. Recharging isn’t just for smart phones. You’ll have more energy when your entryways are refreshed.

Cleanse & De-Clutter.
Desktops are often neglected because they get piled with files, receipts and papers-to-be-filed. Start by clearing everything off. Give your desk a good wipe down. Then add useful items, like a pending-projects folder or an empty inbox. Many useful items can be neatly tucked-away into drawers. Next, add something pretty, like a low-maintenance succulent plant or scented candle. Thirdly, add something that makes you smile, like a framed picture of someone you love. Lastly, sort through all of the stuff that was piled on your desk and give everything a home. Papers should be filed or thrown away, books put on shelves, supplies put in bins etc. Again, it’s about making space for new and exciting possibilities.

Not feeling super ambitious? Try following HGTV’s Spring Cleaning Guide For Lazy People or get a 20-step spring-cleaning check list, courtesy of HOUZZ. What spring-cleaning projects are you looking forward to tackling? We hope this inspires you to move from winter blues to a spring refresh!
Here’s wishing for May flowers,
The Haven Team